Saturday, July 25, 2009

a person is a person, no matter how small ...

I need to vent a bit. I'm so tired of judgment ... and I'm especially tired, coincidentally, of people complaining about judgment!! (ha ... yes, I'm aware of how ridiculous that sounds.)

What brought me to this rant? I just read through some blogs and articles that seemed to focus on how judgmental, hypocritical and just plain awful the "corporate" world is. As in, if you work in an office, for "the man," get a decent salary, and utilize pens and paper in a way that is not at all artistic, you are clearly everything that is wrong with humanity.

Perhaps a portion of my issue with this is the fact that just about every job I've held has been "corporate" and in an office. I can accept that, mainly because I have no plans to change it anytime soon.

However, a much, MUCH larger part of me is angered because these "righteous" writers are doing everything that they say they hate. Did it ever occur to anyone that all the creative, spiritual, life-giving acts of service that are done all around the world need to be FUNDED by someone who pushes a pen, sits in the corner office, and drinks at Starbucks every now and then??? Why in the world would you judge someone who is doing what they very well may have been created to do? Who are we to assign value to a position instead of a person? Isn't that exactly what they feel from Corporate America ... isn't that exactly what warranted their posts to begin with?

That's the heart of it for me ... when we fail to recognize our own value, we can never really show someone else theirs. These people, who are so adamant about their right to do what they want and not be judged for it, are hurt people and have not yet discovered that their value is in who they are, not in what they do. And just as we comfort in the way we've been comforted, we also hurt in the way we've been hurt ... what an awful cycle!

What would the world look like if people really knew their value? What would happen if we worried more about that then the various agendas that we all like to push?